The world's longest surgeries ever performed

While surgery announcements heavily impact patients and their families due to fear of the unknown, doctors and surgeons also share in the burden as anything can happen in the operating room.

Surgical procedures can range from quick, routine operations to marathon sessions that test the endurance and skill of medical teams.

The world has witnessed remarkable surgeries that either exceeded their expected duration or faced unforeseen challenges.

Join us explore five of the longest surgeries ever performed in the world of medicine:

Separation of Ganga and Jamuna Shrestha (103 Hours): A team of 20 doctors at Singapore General Hospital in 2001 undertook a groundbreaking 103-hour surgery to separate conjoined twins Ganga and Jamuna Shrestha who were joined at the head.

Bijani twins separation (52 hours): After undergoing a 52-hour marathon surgery, Iranian sisters, Laleh and Ladan Bijani became the first adult Siamese twins to be separated in the world in 2003.

Brain tumour removal (47 hours): For 47 hours, Viljam Zepic underwent a brain tumour removal in Vienna, Austria in 2001.

Face transplant (36 hours): A full face transplant in 2010 took doctors 36 hours to complete. The surgery was carried out in Barcelona, Spain on a man.

Craniopagus twins separation (32 hours): Jadon and Anias McDonald underwent marathon separation surgery that lasted for 32 hours in New York in 2017.

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