Top 5 bread consuming countries in the world

Bread is a staple food in many cultures around the world but some countries consume it more than others.

These countries, apart from consuming large quantities of bread also have rich traditions and varieties that reflect their unique culinary heritages.

According to data from Guinness World Records and the American Institute of Baking Manufacturers Association (AIBMA), here are the top 5 countries with the highest annual per capita bread consumption.


Turkey leads the world in bread consumption, with the average person consuming 199.6 kilogrammes of bread each year. Bread is a fundamental part of the Turkish diet, often served with every meal. Traditional Turkish breads like simit and pide are popular across the country.


In Serbia, bread is a dietary cornerstone, with an annual per capita consumption of 135 kilogrammes. Serbian cuisine features a variety of breads, including lepinja and somun, which are enjoyed daily by the population.


Bulgaria ranks third, with its citizens consuming 131.1 kilograms of bread per year. Bread is deeply embedded in Bulgarian culture, with traditional varieties like banitsa and pitka being central to many meals and celebrations.


Ukrainians consume 88 kilogrammes of bread annually. Bread is a staple in Ukrainian cuisine, with popular types including rye bread and paska, which is often baked for Easter celebrations.


Cyprus is known for its diverse bread culture, with an annual per capita consumption of 74 kilogrammes. Bakeries in Cyprus offer a wide range of breads, from anise-seed bread to Koulouri sourdough bread.

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